Professor Mark Mon-Williams holds a Chair in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Leeds, and is Professor of Psychology at the Bradford Institute of Health Research, and Professor of Paediatric Vision at The Norwegian Centre for Vision. He is also a Turing Fellow at The Alan Turing Institute (the UK’s national data analytics centre).
Mark held post-doctoral fellowships at the Universities of Edinburgh and Queensland before taking up his first faculty position at the University of St Andrews in 1999. He was appointed to Chair at the University of Leeds in January 2009, and was Head of the School of Psychology from 2011 – 2014.
Mark leads a research group that use their fundamental scientific contributions to address applied issues within surgery, rehabilitation and childhood development, and he has responsibility for ensuring societal impact arises from research conducted within the University of Leeds, Faculty of Medicine and Health.
Mark is committed to improving the health and education of children. He is a Founder Member of the Priestley Academy Trust (a multiple academy trust that includes the first school known to provide free meals to children), and sits on the Bradford Opportunity Area partnership board.